Hi, AT, I agree with you in that worshipping the God of the Bible today with the name "Jehovah" is in fact worshipping a false god. And I advance two reasons for saying this:
1 "Jehovah" is not simply one of several possible variations of the Tetragrammaton, but is a wrong way to pronounce it. It is what we can call a mongrelization of it. The word "Jehovah" remember does NOT represent the letters YHVH. It only represents the consonants of that word. "Jehovah" in addition to YHVH, also represents the vowels of the Hebrew word Adonay [E d O n A y] So in effect, the word "Jehovah" represents two seperate words, which forced into a semantical impossibility, constitute in effect, a mongel construction. It is because of this that Jews everywhere refuse to use such a word.
Other proper names in the OT are not so affected, because they represent the semantic equivalent of the original Hebrew. For instance, "Jeremiah" represents the exact equivalent of the Hebrew name, in both consonantal as well as vocalized structures. This is the same with all the OT names. If you want to combine the same vowels with the consonants of YHVH, you can't do better than Yahweh, now almost universally accepted, even among pious Jews To say that "Jehovah" is the English way of saying Yahweh is nonsense, since the English way of saying Yahweh, is Yahweh.
2 Having said that however, even if we grant the WTS position of "Jehovah" any probity, we are still faced with a problem today.
If we were living in OT times, in the tribal structure of ancient Israel, yes, we could concede that we would, in addition to Temple worship, sabbath keeping, circumcision, dietry regulation, tribal distinctiveness, festival commemoration, geographical uniqeness, tithe keeping, priest supporting, sacrifice conducting, need to identify the God we worshipped with that distinctive name.
But I believe we have, thanks to the progressive revelation found in the NT, been unburdened with all that "Judaism" of the OT. Judaism no longer has a hold on us. If we have been made free in Christ, the Jewish system has passed away, having been fulfilled. That, I believe is the reason that the Yahweh of the OT deliberately allowed His OT "name", like Temple worship and sacrifice conducting, to fall into disuse.
There is a new Name we have to deal with. The name for which we are clearly recognized as witnesses of. [Ac 1:8] When asked "In what name they were empowered to preach" the apostle Peter responded with the Name that we are now emboldened to use. [Ac 4:10] This new name has taken us beyond the confines of any single earth-bound location, and has encompassed heaven itself.
When He was on earth, Jesus taught us that the God of the OT He identified with was called "The Father" - evidently something the OT Jews had been negligent to stress. There simply is no evidence, textual, historical, or even theological, that Jesus conveyed any other message. Only the repetitve and dogmatic assertions of the WTS
By continuing to stress this incorrect word, jehovah, the WTS has clearly identified itself as a highly regulated, and tribal, religious system - not even remotely connected with the NT system of worship.